Monday 30 September 2013

evidence resurfaces in Vancouver Slumlord Mystery

Is This Good Journalism?

A Ms. Jenny Konkin was featured in a full page story (The Moral Question written by Kent Spencer) with a very large photo in The Province on 15 September 2013. The story was about her time as a missionary and her plans in Vancouver. The only parts relevant are: “He (god) was protecting little old me. My purpose on this Earth isn't finished yet” (Ms. Konkin): “... the Avalon has always been operated in ways that are sensitive to tenant's needs” (Mr. Spencer): “... which is dedicated to improving residents lives” (Mr. Spencer): “People should have a place they feel safe to come home to.” (Ms. Konkin)

The facts tell a different story.

Ms. Konkin, by making her statements, has made herself a public figure. The Province was used as her vehicle to aggrandize herself, putting her views, her hotel and her business practices into public record. This means that she is open to public scrutiny. The job of the media.

By noon (15/09/13) I sent the facts, all on public record, to the news desk at The Province. The Province and it's editorial team had been duped and it was incumbent upon them to retract and publicly apologize. I received no reply. The next day (16/09/13) I sent the same facts to the attention of the Faith Editor. There was no answer. Later that day I sent the same facts to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief and the Faith Editor. I received no reply. The following day (17/09/13)I sent the same facts to the attention of the Publisher, the Editor-in-Chief and the Faith Editor. I received no reply.

The silence was crushing. Did no one read the Letters to the Editor? I began to wonder why there was no reply, to wonder how it came about that the article was even written? Who made the initial contact, the publication or Ms. Konkin? Was there no reply because the subject of the article (Ms. Konkin) in some sway over a staff member to have this written? Flatly, was it paid for? Has there been no reply because it is political? Do any of these questions answer why no background check was done? Does this mean that anyone can approach The Province and have anything they say printed as if it is fact?

I was being a gentleman. I discovered a gross error in the article and I gave the publisher and his staff more than ample time, days, to check the facts, respond and investigate. But news is timely. And so the reputation of The Province is another Konkin victim. The Province has chosen to remain silent but I have not.

Slumlord “Dedicated to Improving Residents Lives”

The Province
15 September 2013
Dear Editor:

I read the article on Ms. Jenny Konkin in your Faith section (15/09/13). As this article appears to be self-aggrandizement the facts need to be made known and as a respected member of the media community it should have been incumbent upon the reporter and editor to have all of the facts on hand before committing to publishing.

Let's begin with the Silver and Avalon Hotel where I was unfortunately a resident/victim from April 2011 to January 2012. The Silver and Avalon Hotel is infested with rats, mice, cockroaches and bedbugs. When a tenant discovers bedbugs the mattress is hauled out into the hallways, usually crowded with broken furniture, televisions and appliances; all of this blocking the very few emergency exits. These infested mattresses, bedding, et al can be left there for weeks. This, of course, allows the bugs to trundle off and re-infest any and all rooms in the hotel. The call to pest control is at the whim of Ms. Konkin. The garbage containers have no lids making them a feeding ground for the rodents. The toilets and showers are not clean.

September to October 2011 was very cold with overnight temperatures from12 degrees C and dropping into single digits. As the 'management' team (Ms. Konkin and Josh Konkin) is only there two or three days a week over the lunch hour I had to wait days to request that the heat be turned on and for my room to be fumigated for the against the bedbug infestation and to have a bed frame provided because after the first, not the second infestation, now the fourth (nb: correction), the mattress did not fit the original frame and I was sleeping on the floor and to replace missing windows in hopes of some heat being retained. Ms. Konkin's response to my request to have the heat turned on (for the benefit of the other 85 poor tenants/victims as well) was: “I will turn the heat on when I think it is cold.” Rather a cold and heartless response from the woman you describe in your article. My response was to go to the Tenant Review Board for satisfaction. Ms. Konkin did not deign to appear at the hearing.

In November the Tenant Review Board ruled in my favour, File # 782145. The court determined that heat was being withheld from the the tenants and Ms. Konkin was found guilty ordered to pay $200 for failing to provide heat. Ms. Konkin was found guilty of failing to maintain her building to provincial codes. Ms. Konkin was ordered to immediately replace the nine missing windows at the rear of the building. Ms. Konkin was found guilty of not ridding her building of vermin. Ms. Konkin was ordered to pay $2.50 per day each for both the missing windows and fumigation until completed. The fines were to be withheld by Social Services as per the court order as this would be the only way to collect. Ms Konkin was ordered to replace the bed frame. Of all of these orders the only compliance was replacing the bed frame (free). The room was never fumigated. The heat was not turned on on a continual daily basis until the middle of December. Today I went to check and the windows, ordered immediately replaced in November 2011are still plywood. Ms Konkin apparently has no respect for the laws of the land nor the orders of the court.

The Konkin response to this was to hand me an eviction notice. Reasons stated: theft of hotel property and threatening tenants and Ms. Konkin. This time she appeared for the hearing. The court dismissed the statements of theft and threatening. In other words the court deemed them: lies. The eviction notice carried no weight. Ms Konkin was defeated again in a court of law.

There is always more. After receiving the eviction notice I filed again with the Tenant Review Board File#784895. Then I looked deeper. The first room I occupied at the Silver and Avalon Hotel was: R2. R1-R4 have a separate entrance from the Avalon. None of the four rooms had windows. There was neither a functioning toilet or shower. For this 'room' Ms. Konkin charged Social Services $375. After a discussion with City Inspector Becky Innes I learned that Ms. Innes and Vancouver Fire Prevention Inspector Chris Short deemed this area “not acceptable for living accommodations” on 3 October 2011. In other words the room I originally occupied plus three others were illegal. How many months and years had Ms. Konkin been charging Social Services for illegal rooms? $375x4x12=$18,000 per annum. Has the provincial government recovered this money? Does the provincial government know how it spent this money?

There was also an illegal restaurant on site. I called Gurinder Saini to have Coastal Health inspect it. Now if the restaurant was illegal the question is: were taxes collected or paid? If not why?

The floors were professionally cleaned once while I was there by order of City Inspector Becky Innes.

In July (nb: correction) of 2011 many complaints were registered with the front desk regarding a stench on the 3rd floor. These complaints were ignored. Ignored until the police were called by a tenant to have the door of the room 324 emanating the smell broken into. A decomposing maggot infested corpse was found. In Ms. Konkin's determination to do nothing about complaints this tenant who died was treated extremely inhumanely. (Check with the coroner for details.)

Ms. Konkin then did not want to repay my damage deposit. She claimed I left no forwarding address. This is another lie. I left the address with a front desk employee, Mr. Ernie Humpfries. (All of the hotel employees are on assistance, is this some kind of welfare scam?) This began a third claim to the Tenant Review Board File # 787554. Ms. Konkin only capitulated when I sent the Review Board the evidence from the City Inspector and Coastal Health. She paid the damage deposit plus the daily fine for not complying with the original court order. In order to suppress the facts of illegal rooms and an illegal restaurant being placed into evidence with the court Ms Konkin by paying the fine admitted non-compliance with the court order and was defeated yet again in a court of law.

Did Ms. Konkin inform you about any of the above facts? Did the reporter look farther than Ms. Konkin's statements, make any background checks?

In hopes of bringing these facts to light in 2011-12 I contacted the Premier, the Opposition Leader, the Housing Minister and local MLA. I contacted Go Public at CBC, The Province, The Sun and The Courier. The politicians sent me form letters. The media did not deem it news. Now that your publication has aggrandized this woman is this not now news? Are there not criminal acts listed above? How much of what you published is negated by verifiable facts?

The moral question.

Peter Bracking

The Silver and Avalon Hotel is located at 163 W. Pender Street in Vancouver and is owned in sole proprietorship by Ms. Mina Angelicola. The hotel is located next to an empty lot waiting for half an office tower.

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